No replies to your CV or rejections?

"The average time spent reading a CV is just 6 seconds" - Forbes.

Why do you need a trusted recommendation from a job agency?

CV with a Trusted Recommendation To avoid your application being marked as spam

Employers often get flooded with advertising spam and fake profiles. Unfortunately, this drowns out genuine candidates. 

Having a trusted recommendation from an agency will ensure your application is prioritized for a decision and also prevent it being marked as spam.

CV with a Trusted Recommendation To verify your experience and get recommended for the right job

Due to the large number of applications, most employers do not have the resources to verify every single CV they receive.

It is more efficient for employers to use a job agency to handle this process. The role of the job agency is to speak to each candidate, get to know their skills, experience and qualifications before making a recommendation.

Why your CV matters

Your CV is your most important career tool.
Decisions to interview or reject may be made solely on this document and you are rarely offered a second chance at first impressions.

On average, a job post receives around 130 applications.
A professionally presented CV customised to the employer and job role will stand out, make good first impression and help you get past the first stage of screening.

Most common mistakes

Mistakes are expensive.
Time wasted job searching can cost you potential money earned and savings.

1. Not understanding the Swedish job market
2. Not understanding the decision making process
3. Not defining your niche
4. Not leveraging your cultural background
5. Not promoting your language skills
6. Not establishing relationships
7. Not having a trusted recommendation
8. Not speaking to the right people
9. Not personalizing your application
10. Not following up with applications

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Before you apply

Perfect your CV and cover letter presentation

Get more replies and interview requests by making sure your CV and cover letter is perfectly written and customised for the position you are applying for. Book a quick 30 minute meeting with a recruiter here and avoid common application errors.

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