Kajsa, what are your five best tips?
“First of all, “kill your darlings” by keeping your CV to two pages or less. This can be a challenging task for many people, especially those with extensive experience in their field. However, it is essential to focus on the most relevant information and prioritize it accordingly”, says Kajsa.
“If your list of experience is particularly long I suggest that you cluster your experiences to save space on your CV. This technique involves grouping similar experiences together and presenting them in a more condensed format. This not only saves space but also allows for easier readability and understanding for recruters”, she continues.
“When it comes to the order in which you present your experience I advise against strictly adhering to a chronological format. Instead, it is crucial to prioritize what is most relevant to the position for which you are applying. This means that you may need to rearrange your experiences to showcase your most relevant skills and qualifications”, she says.
“In terms of your cover letter, it is important to avoid simply listing your competencies and skills. Instead, use your previous experiences to demonstrate your abilities and how they relate to the job at hand. Keep your cover letter brief, with a maximum length of one page, and avoid repeating the information on your CV.”
“Finally, I recommend ending your CV with the phrase “Reference will be given upon request”. This will give you a good opportunity to present yourself to the employer and also time to prepare your references”, finishes Kajsa.
If you want more information on optimizing your CV and cover letter or need some examples to guide you, read more here
By following these tips and tailoring your application to each specific job, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job in your new country.